contraction fractal
I finally had a chance to check out the contraction toy that we were taught in class last week. The idea here is that we use an affine map to tranform points in the unit square repeatedly. The transformation matrix that we are using is [0.5 0.5]
[0 0.5]
There are two transformations that are done on the pointsT1 is simply the above transformation matrix. T2 is the above transformation matrix combined with a translation of [0 1] transpose. I started with the 4 corner points of the unit square and did both transformations on each to get 8 points, then again to get 16 points, and so on. When i had a decent number of points in my bag, I draw them. I am still playing around with this stuff, too, so expect more screenshots and discussion. I may not even have these renderings right. They look strange...
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