Saturday, January 28, 2006

fractal zooming software

I have been playing with a real-time fractal zoomer that deals with a bunch of escape-time type fractals. Here is a link.

(windows download... if you want to get the source code, just search google for "xaos")

I think this software provides a dramatic view of the concept of infinite detail (hold the left mouse button while clicking on the spot that you want to focus on to zoom into the fractal). Also to be clearly seen is the calculation limit. If you zoom in far enough, you hit the "wall" which is the threshold of the iterations that is set to cap computing time. Don't forget to hold the right mouse button (zoom out) to see the equally mysterious phenomenon of the infinite detail disappearing into single pixels.

Also, dont forget to set the iterations higher than the default, where it doesnt look great. On my laptop i can set it at well over 750 iterations without slowdown. Depending on your machine, you should be able to set it from 500-1000 iterations. It looks decent on 500 though. You can change that on the calculations menu->iterations. Also, dont forget that you can look at lots of different representations of the mandelbrot set, and also other fractals besides mandelbrot. There is lots to mess around with here.

see my last post for discussion related to the calculation threshold and its possible implications.


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