Wednesday, February 01, 2006

virtual jellyfish

I was thinking about Iterated Function Systems (IFS) after reading about them in the book, and I thought back on some weird stuff that I made using tetrahedrons and OpenGl a couple of years ago. I am not sure if this stuff counts as an IFS but I think it might.

The shape you see is a single freezefram of a constantly morphing object which is rendered by drawing the same tetrahedron over and over, each time applying an affine transformation which both rotates and translates the shape by a small increment. When applied over and over again, frame after frame, the position of each tetrahedron becomes a function of each of its previous states, all of which originate in the same spot at the original tetrahedron.

Here are a couple of shots of some other ones that I made. Its something else entirely to see them in motion, but I doubt that I can post an .exe file on this blog.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice colors! You may not be able to post an executable on the blog (and if you did, nobody would run it). But I'm sure a video would be okay. :-)

I wouldn't call those iterated function systems, mostly because there is no probabilistic aspect to their generation. They're really much more like 3-D maps akin to the 1-D maps of your last post.

IFS's are annoying because 2-D IFS's have the tendency to look like profoundly cool 3-D figures, but you can't rotate them or put them in a 3-D world.

Anyway, as far as I recall, an IFS is a set of functions together with probabilities:

f(x) = x+1 (25%)
= 2x-1 (50%)
= x/3 (25%)

Then you just fold that function onto itself and plot the results (where applying the function picks one of the implementations with the given probability). I just pulled that out of my ass, so it's probably not a very interesting function.

I wonder if you could generate 3-D figures using a point (rather than polygon) plotting mechanism and slowly varying the parameters.

5:49 AM  
Blogger Max Rebuschatis said...

Thanks luke!

You are bringing an air of correctness to this otherwise full-of-horse-poo blog!

I like your idea about rendering an IFS in 3d... do you remember that one that I made that was like a shooting star last summer? that was definitely an IFS and it was 3d...

maybe I can dig that up.

Anyway, how would I go about making a video? if anyone knows how to capture a video from your computer's display, please let me know. My next post will be a cool video if so!


9:07 AM  
Blogger Max Rebuschatis said...

Another note for those who don't get Luke's inside joke about the colors of the "virtual jellyfish" screenshots, here is the explanation: While I programmed the construction and geometry of the figures, I was early in my investigations of computer graphics, so I asked Luke (who was not) to write me an algorithm to create a nice color scheme.

Thus luke himself is responsible for the colors!

ho ho ho!


9:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Send me the exe, Max! Do you still have my email???
I wish I had something to say about the video. I've seen people doing it before, though, so it can be done! Hehe.

10:13 PM  

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