Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Variable Delta Brownian-Bezier-Splines: Fun... in Motion!

Welcome to my VDb-b-splines (the extra b is for byob!)

These shots are made by taking a brownian path and making a b-spline out of it for various levels of resolution (or various values for delta t).

The shots are in order of increasing resolution: Enjoy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, what, now that you have a job, you've stopped updating your blog. That's not very considerate of your viewers who are searching for things to do to kill time.

8:54 AM  
Blogger Max Rebuschatis said...

yeah, now I am all about repressing the common folk.

11:04 AM  
Blogger Max Rebuschatis said...

And, now we have a new blog entry. SO THERE! (and more to come)

6:40 PM  

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